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$37 Million

Heirship Dispute

Heirship Dispute – Our client’s mother died from ovarian cancer after using Johnson & Johnson brand talcum powder. We recovered $37 million for our client following a successful mediation to resolve the disagreement between the heirs.

$3 Million

Nursing Home Elopement

Represented the family of a 75-year old nursing home resident who left the nursing home unattended and died as a result. The case resulted in a $3 million policy limit settlement against the Missouri nursing home and its management company, without Defendants denying fault, and in excess of the limits imposed by the damage caps in Missouri.

$2 Million

Nursing Home Elopement

A $2 Million settlement in a nursing home elopement case in Bentonville, Arkansas. Tom Wagstaff represented the family of a 74-year old assisted living resident with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s who approximately 3-hours after being admitted to the facility was allowed to exit the facility by herself through a back/side door despite the door alarm sounding, only to be found thirteen days later deceased in the nearby woods with a cause of death of environmental heat stress.

$1.95 Million

Motor Vehicle Collision

Represented an injured wife and mother in a Kansas personal injury action, whereby our client was injured after the vehicle she was driving was struck from behind while it was stopped in a construction zone. Despite the Defendant driver having only $100,000 in insurance coverage, the case resulted in a $1,995,000 settlement, representing nearly twenty times the amount of the applicable coverage.

$1.5 Million

Nursing Home Fall

Represented the family of an 88-year old nursing home resident and hospice patient who fell, fractured her hip, and died as a result. A pre-trial offer of $15,000 was rejected. At the conclusion of the evidence, the jury was asked to award an amount of $450,000. The jury returned a trial verdict for $1.5 million against the Missouri nursing home.

$10 Million

Landowner Class Action

Represented a class of Plaintiff landowners in a case involving allegations of property damage, resulting in a $10 million settlement.

$1.5 Million

Nursing Home Sexual Abuse

Represented a 71-year old assisted living resident who was inappropriately touched and verbally assaulted by the operator of an Arkansas assisted living facility. The case resulted in a $1.5 million judgment and the facility is now closed.

$1 Million

Nursing Home Fall

Represented the family of an 87-year old nursing home resident that fell, fractured her knee, and died as a result. The case resulted in a $1 million settlement against the Missouri nursing home, which well exceeded the then existing Missouri damage cap.


Fall at Car Dealership

Our client’s husband fell on a patch of ice at the parking lot at Defendant’s business, suffering a fatal injury. We successfully recovered $510,000.


Nursing Home Elopement

Represented the family of a 75-year old resident of a residential care facility that left the facility unattended and later died as a result. The case resulted in a $736,310 damage cap settlement against the Missouri residential care facility.


Nursing Home Pressure Ulcer

The Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. represented the family of an 88-year-old nursing home resident who developed a pressure sore on her buttock and died as a result. The case resulted in a $500,000 settlement against the Kansas nursing home.


Nursing Home Fall

Represented the family of an 85-year old nursing home resident and hospice patient that died after incurring a subdural hematoma from a fall out of bed. The case resulted in a $400,000 settlement against the Kansas nursing home.


Nursing Home Fall

Represented the family of a 99-year old nursing home resident that died one day before her 100th birthday after she experienced an unwitnessed fall and fracture to her right upper arm. The case resulted in a $350,000 damage cap settlement against the Missouri nursing home and its management company.


Group Home Fall

Represented the family of a resident to a group home that fell and suffered injury as a result. The case resulted in a $300,000 policy limit settlement against the Arizona group home.


Nursing Home Infection

Represented the family of an 89-year old nursing home resident that developed a urinary tract infection and pneumonia, and ultimately died from sepsis. The case resulted in a $250,000 settlement against the Missouri nursing home.


Nursing Home Fall

Represented the family of an 89-year old nursing home resident that experienced an unwitnessed fall leading to a pelvic fracture and ultimately death. The case resulted in a $250,000 settlement against the Missouri nursing home.


Nursing Home Elopement

Represented the family of a 99-year old nursing home resident that left the nursing home unattended and suffered facial lacerations, bruising, and a concussion. The case resulted in a $250,000 settlement against the Missouri nursing home.


Nursing Home Infection

Represented the family of a 56-year old nursing home resident that developed an infection to his groin area, resulting in surgery. The case resulted in a $242,500 settlement against the Missouri nursing home.


Nursing Home Fall

Represented the family of a 91-year old nursing home resident that suffered facial lacerations and bruising, along with head trauma from a fall. The case resulted in a $225,000 settlement against the Arkansas nursing home.


Nursing Home Infection

Represented the family of a 93-year old nursing home resident that developed a urinary tract infection, received inadequate care and treatment, and ultimately died. The case resulted in a $225,000 settlement against the Missouri nursing home.


Nursing Home Fall

Represented an 87-year old nursing home resident that experienced an unwitnessed fall which caused a left leg fracture that ultimately healed without surgical intervention. The case resulted in a $123,500 settlement against the Missouri nursing home.

Favorable Outcome

Partnership Dispute

Represented a business owner in a partnership separation dispute, resulting in a trial verdict in our client’s favor that the personal guaranty was not enforceable.

Favorable Outcome

Equity Interest Transfer Dispute

Represented a product manufacturer in a dispute that involved the enforceability of an equity interest transfer agreement. Through litigation, the client was able to successfully collect on the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Resolution Reached for Product Manufacturer

Represented a product manufacturer in multiple state court jurisdictions across the country and successfully reached resolution for the product manufacturer on all claims with no exposure to personal or business funds.

Insurance Subrogation Litigation

Represented a product manufacturer in lawsuits filed in multiple jurisdictions in both federal and state courts across the country, whereby the Plaintiff insurance company in each case was seeking to be subrogated for claims it paid out as a result of property damage incurred by its insured.

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